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The NACC is an autonomous body working with all its stakeholders in delivering the best standards possible. The NACC Executive Board is currently formed of 18 elected members representing 6 regions. The Executive Board has the power to extend the affiliation to other regions if requested. There will be an invitation to County Cricket Boards and representatives to attend NACC meetings in the future, once the organisation is fully operational.

The regions were selected on a city based system with the smaller surrounding communities included to represent their cricketing community.


They are broken down as follows :-   

1 – London & the South East

2 – Birmingham & the West Midlands

3 – Leicester & the East Midlands

4 – Yorkshire & the North East

5 – Lancashire & the North West

6 – Wales & the South West


The structure of the NACC Executive Board will be as follows :-

Two members from each region will be nominated and elected as serving officers of the Executive Board, to represent their local or regional boards. There will also be scope for an external member to join them in an advisory or advocacy role.

Each region will be responsible for management of their own local operational needs and issues. Each region will elect its own sub-committee who will relay the local issues and cricketing needs to their elected officers.

The NACC regional officers will meet and communicate with local league officials during the season and prior to new season commencing to ensure the needs of their affiliated teams are being met.

All leagues who fall under the remit of each different regional board will meet bi-annually (at the minimum) to discuss their local matters and bring to the forum their concerns that they want raised at the next NACC meeting. Each member league of the NACC must send one delegate to each area meeting.

The NACC Executive Board’s key guiding principle is based upon transparency and accountability at all levels. The NACC is to ensure equality of voice for the South Asian Cricketing Communities from all regions, also external executive directors will be used for consultation and for guidance purposes.

The NACC  Executive Board will nominate regional members to take charge of educational and development programmes, operation facilities and potential funding, within their given regions.

Special external members or patrons will be invited to act as external executive directors.

The NACC Executive Board will have specific roles delegated to each official and each official will serve a fixed term of 3 years. No executive member will be able to serve more than 2 consecutive terms in office, to ensure fairness and transparency in voting.

The NACC shall produce in the public domain full reports for inspection as prescribed by the charities commission.

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